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Book Review: The Total Money Makeover

It was inevitable that one day I would write a blog post about Dave Ramsey, but it has taken me over three years to get around to it. This month I finally read his book The Total Money Makeover. He created a simple plan which he called The 7 Baby Steps to help others change the behaviours that were keeping them poor and to help them get out of debt and stay out of debt, forever.

My PocketSmith analysis: We buy a lot of eggs!

So far, in 2019, we have spent exactly $240 on eggs. We buy them from a woman who lives up the road who has chickens (obviously) and every Monday she drops them (or places them gently) in my mailbox, then I jump online and pay her $5 a dozen. That means we have eaten 48 dozen or 576 eggs this year to date. The moral of the story? PocketSmith can give you some detailed figures IF that is what you are looking for.


I might as well cut to the chase. I loved this book! None of our lives are linear, we all have twists and turns along the way and everyone is on a different journey. For the author of this book, Scott Rieckens, one big fork in his road came when he stumbled upon the concept of FIRE while driving to work listening to a podcast.

Book Review: EVERYDAY MILLIONAIRES by Chris Hogan

I might be unusual in the fact that I couldn’t wait for this book to arrive. Who else do you know that is excited about reading a book that would fall into the ‘personal finance’ section of the bookstore? But this book had been touted as a best seller, before it even went on sale, offering an inside view into the way “ordinary people built extraordinary wealth” and how I could do it too. And I wanted to know how to do that!