All tagged Habits

Consistency and Planning, boring yet effective.

I thought I would start the year with something that I think is a mega important topic if you want to get your finances in order, Consistency and Planning. Both are boring yet effective. As always, I like to share what I’m up to and what works for us, you can then take from it what you will. A few years back I implemented a few simple things and today I’m reaping the rewards of my consistency, planning and good habits. You can do the same, but you do need to start today.

Money Routines, Methods, Habits, Rules and Obsessions to Live By

A lot of people get in touch with me asking how to get started and how to stay consistent with money. Because that’s the thing, you can start with a hiss and a roar but lose momentum and stop and that is a bit of a disaster for your money. So you want to create good, long-lasting routines and habits that set you up financially, which become so ingrained they are automatic.