All tagged John C. Bogle

Should I buy VTSAX or US 500 in New Zealand?

This week I read a question on the Kiwi Mustachian Facebook page from a woman by the name of Kimberly who was asking a particularly good question. I thought that such a question required more than a social media soundbite and that it might also be useful to other Happy Savers. This is an important question and it needs a detailed answer because in my view Kimberly is on the brink of making one of the most important investment decisions of her life and she needs to feel comfortable with what she is doing.

I don’t believe the phrase “don’t put money in the share market that you can’t afford to lose”

I think this well-worn phrase, “Don’t put money in the share market that you can’t afford to lose”, contributes to our over-reliance on housing as the only way to grow your wealth in New Zealand. That’s a great shame in my mind because people have turned their back on our strong share market. When I hear prominent Kiwi’s in the New Zealand investing space I want them to educate and inform me. I want them to show me that investing in something other than housing is a viable option for growing the wealth of my family over time. I don’t want them to confirm any biases that I might hold about the share market being risky and akin to a casino. Because it’s not. Yet when they repeat the phrase “don’t put money in the share market that you can’t afford to lose”, that’s exactly what they are telling myself and others.

The Bitcoin experiment is over!

If you have been following my blog for a while you might remember that back in 2017, three long years ago when the world was more normal, Jonny bought some Bitcoin. Actually, “some” Bitcoin is a bit misleading because to be more precise he bought “a bit” of a Bitcoin. He had been following its evolution for a couple of years and had been wanting to buy Bitcoin for a long time, in fact, he would have done as much, if I didn’t always scoff at the idea as being far too speculative. So three years on, how did his Bitcoin perform…

“Don’t look for the needle - buy the haystack”

There has been a sudden interest in the share market and it has me worried. I am noticing that there is a cohort of investors frantically rushing to invest in shares to “make the most” of this current crisis. I, on the other hand, have resisted all instincts to DO SOMETHING, to rush around and find those one or two companies that are at what I believe to be rock bottom prices so I can buy low and sell high. Instead, I have calmly followed the advice of John C. Bogle when he said: “Don’t look for the needle - buy the haystack”. That’s what I’m doing, I’m just buying the entire market.